The future looks bright

Alhuda Academy

Start To Success


Alhuda Academy reserves the right to decline admission to students who require specialized instructions, have certain learning disabilities, behavioral problems, or ELL issues which are beyond the scope of the Academy. The Academy does not have the resources to properly serve these students. A recommendation will be made to parents to find other more appropriate accommodations for these students. Final recommendations will be made by the admission committee, which is headed by the Principal.


Financial Assistance

Fee Structure

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Volunteer & Donate

Ours is a community defined by giving – a community that grows stronger through the participation of every student, teacher and parent.
Alhuda Academy benefits from many individuals who devote precious time and/or resources in assisting the School on a volunteer basis. Alhuda Academy appreciates the efforts of these individuals, as they represent the body and spirit of the school.

Our Impact

Summer Reading

School Supply


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