We chose Alhuda academy because we wanted our children to attend a school that provides learning that integrates Islamic values in the daily aspect of lives. And Alhuda academy provides education that builds better citizens and better Muslims.
What sets Alhuda apart from other schools is the group of teachers that show genuine love, personal attention, and kindness to motivate the students to become better citizens, and better Muslims. The teachers at Alhuda academy have nurtured the values of firm faith, sincerity, integrity, and respect in our children.
Because of the education at Alhuda academy, our children understand the purpose of life and the purpose of education from an Islamic perspective. Alhuda academy, as an institution, inspires the students to be the leaders of 21st-century through commitment to the core values that we learn from Quran and sunnah.
At Alhuda academy everyone shows commitment to high standards of education and a commitment to raising good Muslim citizens. I am inspired by the work that everyone puts together to create a culture of Islamic values, creativity, courage, and honor that maximizes the potential of every student. Leadership and life skills wrapped around Islamic values is the one thing that our children have benefited the most from attending Alhuda Academy. That is why I believe Alhuda Academy offers great value to the community.